Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kama Mbaya Mbay Part 2

It was a time of famine. Food prices were soaring and the only solution the political leadership was offering was to kill the messenger who predicted the famine, as if that would help. Death crept into the Samaritan city. The besieged residents had no hope left because stepping out meant slaughter by the Aramean army which surrounded the city walls.
Enter the four men with a terminal illness. They were left at the gates condemned to a life of seclusion and despair, begging for every meal. They had leprosy, which at that time had a stigma greater than HIV has today. This crisis pushed them to the limit. They had to act, or die.
Should they risk their lives and go to the enemy’s camp to beg for mercy, hoping that they would get some food? Better to be a fed slave than a starved man fighting for his freedom, they reasoned. Kama mbaya, mbaya, they arose and marched to the enemy’s camp. They had nothing left worth protecting. They were damned if they went and damned if they didn’t.
You can imagine the amazement imprinted on their faces when they discovered the camp deserted and tables laid before them laden with food they had craved.”He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies”, they must have thought. God had magnified their feeble steps and spread terror among the enemy.No sooner had they fed than they discovered the real purpose they were there, to save a city enveloped by despair. They didn’t hesitate to run back and share the good news.
Within one day, a city on the brink of death bounced back to life. Overnight , four men condemned to lurk in the lowest echelons of society became celebrities. All because they took those feeble steps.All because they took a risk which even the king was afraid of taking.Even after being being told of the empty camp, he still was reluctant to step out.
You too can save a city, you could be the solution to this present crisis. Only take those feeble steps, which God’ll then use. He used Moses’s rod because that’s what he had. He doesn’t ask for what we don’t have.That he’ll create.Only let him work with what you have.Kama mbaya, mbaya...he won’t forsake you when you act on His word. He has a name to protect, a name called I AM.I AM the answer to every question, the solution to every matter.
Elisha had predicted this deliverance. A royal official scoffed at his words. He paid a high price for his unbelief, death. Beware lest the same fate befalls you.

Background: 2 Kings 7

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ICT Oh ICT Part 1

Been wondering,whats the best career in the third planet?Looked upstairs,to the Marketing and Corporate Affairs lot.It looks like they have a good time,always on tour,they call it...I cant remember the marketing jargon for that,always on facebook,they call it networking,always on phone,they call it research and development.All seems well there,till they dont meet their targets,and the threats start come in those who hired them fire them.Not good.
I then turn my eyes to the Accountants and Auditors.Elegant ladies and Intelligent men they look like their careers are on the Cape Canaveral launch pad.I envied them,till I saw the time they left the office,till one of them had an inbalanced balance sheet then the books had to be reconciled with a portion of his salary.Again,not good.
I looked at the supply dept,dealing with tenders.With such a job in such a country, who needs a salary.The tendering companies know how to play ball.They get their share,they give others their share and the Supply chain continues.I envied them,till I remembered what happens to those who take shortcuts in life,the road becomes longer,not shorter.Still not good.
I now had to resort to the one department where everyone looks up to when in problems.The one department which determines the workflow.It determines whether the finance department will pay bills,whether Sales and Marketing will advertise, whether Legal will record their cases, HR will recruit and (pun intended), whether Supply chain will get their share, because simply it facilitates communication.It is IT.As long as human beings live in a colony, they'l need to transfer information,and ICT will facilitate the transfer.
As long as we are on this earth:seed time and harvest,computers and networks will never pass away.
Do you agree?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Testing testing

Trying out the blog